Our Story | Colossal Academy | Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Our Colossal Story
My story is humble and all too common among parents and educators. Colossal Academy grew out of 3 main intersections. In some ways, it is the learning sanctuary that I needed as a child that never fit in. Colossal Academy is the vision I had as I became an educator. Not the sage on the stage but as a guide. Last,  it is the microschool I need for my own children.
As an educator for over 10 years, I tried teaching at public schools, at private elite international schools, and a Montessori school -- nothing around me reflected the vision of what I thought I would be doing as an educator. I saw myself as Ms. Frizzle, from The Magic School Bus whisking the students away on some great unforgettable adventure.  I wanted to ignite the love of learning in children through example, have deep connections, hands-on activities, and soulful experiences. What I got was limitations in budgets, long hours, difficult caseloads, too much time in planning and grading than any human should have to experience.
Students discovering cacao in the rawest form on the farm.
The next intersection is the school I want for my own children. I want my children to be in nature, exploring, digging for worms, getting dirty, telling stories, holding hands, laughing, having picnics, and of course learning to read and do numeracy. Instead, I had tearful, exhausted pick-ups, lifeless learning, and I saw myself in my middle child at her age-- frustrated and not understanding the point of going to school.
The last component, for me, is the healing of my own education. As a child with dyslexia the scantron sheets, strict line order in the hallway, the limited access to the outside really made me become disinterested in school. It wasn’t until college that I reawakened my own curiosities, still riddled with hurdles to overcome. 

Ultimately, those intersections birthed Colossal Academy. Colossal Academy is a sanctuary that approaches curriculum through a humanistic lens and that recognizes everyone’s beautiful and unique differences as wonderful gifts that will help them navigate this world. Together, as a community of learners, parents, and educational guides, we can construct a meaningful place of learning. We are the architects of the future of education.

The Future is Bright!

Teen girl at beach having fun


To teach 21st-Century education that brings together relevant academic skills in a new way. Colossal Academy places the student at the center of their learning whereby teachers teach to the student and not the test utilizing modern techniques and intersectionality of best practices and through a student-centered curriculum in a safe and student empowered learning environment. 


A world where every student is inspired to learn, create, participate, navigate, and discern truths ultimately for meaningful community contributions.

Teen cooperating to carry a surf board
Boy tending his garden

Core Values

Student Advocacy

Commitment to Student Learning

Diversity of thought





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